Faith and I have wanted to get a pair of cats, as our Siamese cats, Saturn and Tabitha, both died over the last year.
We went to the Cats Protection Adoption Centre and there were 2 lovely house-cats that we fell in love with. However when one of the centre people came to see us in our flat, they throught the flat was too small :o(
However we could help out by fostering cats for short periods of time, when the shelter couldn't house them.
So we agreed to foster, we thought it would be a nice thing to do, and it would give Faith some company when I'm away.
So...our first assignment...a mum and her 7 kittens!!! A bit more than we expected!!!
Abit of panicing later and furniture rearranging later, and they are all starting to settle in. We are going to use this blog to update people on these little kitty-kats and any others we get in the future. Pictures of the cuties to follow.